Your Story is Significant


I Love Stories…

As a counselor, I have the privilege of hearing people’s stories each and every day. It is literally such a gift because I believe it is through the telling of our stories we are able to become aware of how struggle builds strength, pain produces purpose, and memories move us towards motivation.

It is interesting how often we fail to see the significance in our unique stories. We often discount their value and worth as we look at the broken pieces of our lives and wonder God could rewrite what has been wrongly written.

But what if our stories, our struggles, even our sin is what God using to shape our hearts and strengthen us from within. ⁣

⁣If there is one thing we have in common, it's that we have experienced the joy of bright skies and the pain of hidden valleys. What if pain proceeds a path of great purpose and sorrow is a stream that leads us to fulfill our lifelong dreams. ⁣These realities create a sense of kinship, community, and fellowship, as we each seek to understand our stories in light of the truth of God’s coming glory. 

⁣⁣⁣Friend, whether you are in a season of hurting, hunger, or hope, I pray that you will be encouraged by the truths of God’s Word shared here and know that you are loved, called, chosen and equipped for an extraordinary purpose. 

Regardless of our reckless rebellion or religious reputation, the Maker of heaven and earth has created each of us and calls us by a new name, His child.  So, it is here, I hope to share stories of God’s goodness, as we journey together on this road called life! For I believe that writing reminds our souls to stand firm,⁣ speaking truth empowers our hearts to hold fast and sharing our stories inspires others to keep moving forward in faith.

So, I hope you will join me, as I learn to embrace life’s story in light of God’s glory each and every new day!


⁣"How do men and women become great? ⁣⁣⁣
They become great through ⁣great resistances, ⁣⁣⁣
great struggles & ⁣great victories." - W. H. Murray ⁣⁣⁣